17 Books: Higher Education and the SDGs
Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GAEmerald Publishing has commissioned Wendy Purcell as Series Editor for 17 books, one per SDG. Wendy in turn has invited a global cadre of 17 editors, one per book, to address one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically through the lens of higher education (HE). The book series will examine the role of the global HE sector in delivering against that goal directly through teaching/learning, research/innovation and community engagement/service. The event will showcase the upcoming book series, highlight the critical role of the student voice and hear from some of the editors about how they are planning to approach their goal and the role of HE in delivering the SDGs. To join: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/94798007729?pwd=Lys3cVhGRXlJZU5jQlMxTXdYNnZ4Zz09
Organizer: Harvard University