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SDG15: Life on Land

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Semaine des ODD | Projection du documentaire Inuk en colère et discussion

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Dans le cadre de la Semaine canadienne des ODD (Objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU) et pour souligner la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, l’INRS offrira à sa communauté la projection du documentaire « Inuk en colère » d’Alethea Arnaquq-Baril, le 7 et 8 mars 2024.
Organizer: Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)

Recycling plastic waste in Africa: challenges and opportunities (3-4.30 pm GMT, presented in English and French)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Plastic waste recycling in Africa: myth or reality? Sharing experiences and current best practices in plastic waste recycling, exploring strategies put in place to combat plastic waste, advanced plastic recycling techniques and technologies.
Co-organized by Babcock University and Senghor University
To Register:

Urban Gardening & Composting: Take Action in Your Community

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

We head over to Colombia's second biggest city, Medellin, to explore the positive social and environmental impacts urban gardening can have upon your community. Led by a local pioneer, you will learn how to dramatically reduce your daily carbon footprint while also discovering expert techniques to be able to start a composting system for your home or university. The interactive webinar includes a presentation from local pioneer Laura Rubio and tangible take-away tools to take sustainable action straight away.
Organizer: Kagumu Adventures