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SDG4: Quality Education

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The role of medical sciences universities in the UN SDGs (9.00-10.30 GMT)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

How can medical universities play a critical role in fulfilling the SDGs and helping society to achieve the SDGs through leadership, research, teaching and learning? View National Nutrition & Food Technology Research Institute's (NNFTRI) programmes and projects in line with actualizing UN's Sustainable Development Goals
Organizer: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences passcode: 511248

Alianzas para el Cambio: Universidades y Estudiantes en la Agenda de Sustentabilidad en América Latina (13.00-14.00 CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The event intends to provide a space where students can discuss with key actors on the role of universities and their students within the implementation of public policies and agreements to achieve sustainability in Latin America.
Organizer: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe

Conferencia “De la desigualdad de género a la desigualdad climática” (11.00-12.00 CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The objective of this conference is to explore the intersection between gender inequality and climate inequality, highlighting how these affect the addressing of other challenges such as climate change.
Organizer: Tec de Monterrey