Event Schedule
View the Annual Gathering/17 Rooms schedule for 2-6 October below!
Click the “+” sign on each session block to see session descriptions. For Blocks 1-7, click on the session title to see session description, moderator information, and links to join each session.
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Day 1: Monday, October 2
17 Rooms Opening Session featuring the Brookings Institution and winners of the SDG2: Zero Hunger International Student Challenge.
President of EARTH University, an innovative global institution based in Costa Rica that prepares young leaders from across the world as change agents for advancing sustainable development and nature-positive food systems. Dr. Condo led the creation of EARTH Futures, a global center which aims to transform rural areas and he guided the launch of EARTH Ventures, an initiative to launch new businesses with purpose. He served as President of INCAE Business School between 2007 and 2015 where for two decades he served in several positions, including Dean of the MBA, Dean of Innovation and Development, and professor in strategy, competitiveness and sustainable development.
He has a Doctorate in business strategy and competitiveness from Harvard Business School and was recognized as a “Distinguished Scholar” in his MBA at INCAE. In 2007, the World Economic Forum recognized him as a Young Global Leader (YGL). Dr. Condo is a strong believer in the power of youth to change the world and his work also focuses on ethics, gender equality and dignity. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Bancolombia, of Vital Voices Costa Rica, Country Chair to Costa Rica for the organization Global Dignity and a member of the Inter-American Dialogue. He lives in Costa Rica, is married and has three children.
Ángel Cabrera is the 12th president of the Georgia Institute of Technology. One of America’s leading research universities, Georgia Tech serves 44,000 students through top-ranked graduate and undergraduate programs ranging from engineering and science to business, computing, design, and liberal arts, and receives more than $1.2 billion in research awards every year. Cabrera came to Georgia Tech on Sept. 1, 2019, after serving for seven years as president of George Mason University (GMU) in Virginia. During his presidency, GMU joined the top tier of research universities in the Carnegie Classification and was the fastest growing institution in the state. Before leading GMU, Cabrera was president of the Thunderbird School of Global Management, now part of Arizona State University, and dean of IE Business School in Madrid.
Cabrera has been named a “Young Global Leader” by the World Economic Forum, a “Star of Europe” by Bloomberg Businessweek, a “Henry Crown Fellow” by the Aspen Institute, and a “Great Immigrant” by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. He has received honorary degrees from Miami Dade College and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Cabrera serves on the boards of the National Geographic Society, Harvard College Visiting Committee, Atlanta Committee for Progress, Metro Atlanta Chamber, and Bankinter Innovation Foundation in Spain. He has served on the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, the advisory boards of Georgia Tech and Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, and three publicly traded companies. Cabrera earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in psychology and cognitive science from Georgia Tech, which he attended as a Fulbright Scholar. He also holds a B.S. and an M.S. in computer and electrical engineering from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Meryem is a registered dietitian and currently in her final year of PhD in nutrition at the School of Human Nutrition of McGill Univeristy. Meryem's current work and research are focused on chronic non-communicable diseases mainly diabetes. Meryem's objectives are to generate evidence to improve availability and access to needed therapies while championing the person and patient centered approach to care and research.
Davrina is a passionate researcher and educator focused on maternal-child health and nutrition. She is currently a PhD student in Nutritional Biology at UC Davis, supported by a fully-funded scholarship from the Government of Indonesia. As a co-founder of Mama4Planet, she aims to empower mothers for a healthier, more sustainable planet at home. Together with the Mama4Planet team, she has received several awards, including 1st Place Winner of the 2022 Transformative Research Challenges at the World Food Forum. With her dedication to community empowerment, she recently achieved 1st Place in the SDG2-Zero Hunger International Student Challenge as part of Group 19.
John W. McArthur is senior fellow and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at the Brookings Institution. He co-founded and co-chairs the 17 Rooms initiative, a new approach to catalyzing action for the Sustainable Development Goals. Outside of Brookings, he is also a senior adviser to the United Nations Foundation, a member of Policy Horizons Canada’s Deputy Minister Steering Committee, and a member of the Novata ESG Advisory Council. He was previously the chief executive officer of Millennium Promise Alliance, the international nongovernmental organization. Prior to that he served as the manager and then deputy director of the U.N. Millennium Project, Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s independent advisory body mandated to recommend an action plan for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
Attend one of the six 17 Rooms.
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La educación superior es un elemento esencial para la erradicación de la pobreza, la mejora de la salud, la igualdad de género, el trabajo decente, la educación por la paz y el crecimiento económico. Los vínculos entre las universidades y las empresas deben formularse en una estrategia a través de planes claros y específicos, ya que este es un elemento esencial para construir un ambiente de trabajo transparente y de confianza, mejorando así la integridad, la estabilidad financiera e implementando la ética empresarial y profesional en cualquier ámbito, ya sea público o privado.

Heidy Yelni Díaz Oviedo is a professor with postgraduate studies in Education and a Master's in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. She works at Veracruzana University and she is currently the regional internationalization coordinator at Veracruz Port. Email heidiaz@uv.mx
María tiene una Licenciatura en Administración, una Maestría en Marketing y un Doctorado en Dirección Ejecutiva. María es docente de la Universidad Veracruzana, con especialidad en el Cuerpo Académico enfocado en Retos y Expectativas de las Organizaciones.
Maria holds a Bachelor's in Administration, a Master's in Marketing, and a PhD in Executive Management. Maria is a faculty member at the University Veracruzana, specializing in the Academic Body focused on Challenges and Expectations of Organizations.
How can Higher Education Institutions embed and mainstream ESD in degree curricula in a way that can equip graduates with the skills, competencies, and attributes needed to tackle these global challenges, as set out in the UN SDGs, both now and throughout their careers.
Scott M. Strachan received B.Eng. (Hons.) and Ph.D. degrees in 1995 and 2005 from the University of Strathclyde. He has been active in the energy access area of research since 2006. He was a founder of the Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE) Department’s outreach Gambia Solar Project and more recently the Tamil Nadu Solar Project, both staff-student initiatives delivering off-grid solar PV systems to rural schools and health clinics. He is Co-Director of the Vertically Integrated Project for Sustainable Development programme, chairs the University Education for Sustainable Development working group, and is Education lead in the University’s Centre for Sustainable Development.
Aspiring entrepreneur with a passion for technology and innovation. Possessor of a distinguished master's degree in advanced computer science from Newcastle University. Accumulated valuable expertise during internships at pioneering tech startups. Acclaimed for a robust work ethic and adept problem-solving abilities. Driven by a fervent desire to craft solutions that drive positive societal change. Currently charting a path towards entrepreneurial success.
Kali is a Professor of Extension and Associate Director of Research for the Statewide 4-H Youth Development Program at the University of California (UC), Davis and UC Agriculture and Natural Resources. Kali studies the development of self-perceptions across the lifespan with more recent work focused on improving self-perceptions and non-cognitive skills in children, adolescents, and young adults with the goal of increasing their achievement and work outcomes. Kali writes curriculum, design and evaluate interventions locally and globally, conduct basic research, and seek to improve measurement across literacy levels and diverse contexts. Kali has worked with communities in the US, Indonesia, South Africa, and Jordan.
Mequanint studied Mechanical Engineering at DBU, Industrial Engineering at AAU, MBA at CPU, and BTh at HTTU, Ethiopia. His research focused on Industry 5.0, SDG, & Industrial Engineering with more than 17 scientific articles published in reputable journals. Currently, Mequanint actively participates in several journals, conferences and workshops as an editorial board, reviewer, keynote speaker, moderator, presenter, and section editor.
Krista Houser manages McGill University's sustainability strategy and governance portfolio, which includes the institutional Climate & Sustainability Strategy, climate- and biodiversity-related initiatives, as well as sustainability monitoring and reporting activities. Krista has over 8 years experience in developing and implementing sustainability initiatives across the University's campuses, including her work on the flagship Sustainability Projects Fund, the largest of its kind in Canada.
She has also previously served as a co-chair of McGill's Management Forum, member of the Board of Directors of ECOLE, and Learning Committee Chair for Women Investing for Impact (WIFI). Krista holds an MBA in Global Strategy & Leadership and Marketing from McGill University.
Juan, reporting through the office of Research and in close coordination with the Provost's office, works with schools, colleges, interdisciplinary research institutes (IRIs), and other relevant campus units for strategic and capital planning, policy development/oversight, and coordination for academic and research facilities across campus.
He is highly involved across campus, having served in leadership roles in the Georgia Tech staff council and employee resource groups (ERGs), and currently teaches a class on equity and sustainability in the built environment.
Martin has 10 years of experience working with sustainability best practices focused on sustainable architecture, long-term sustainability plans and strategies, and tracking and reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions for different organizations. Martin is passionate about learning and supporting sustainable development initiatives, climate change resilience, and ecosystems and biodiversity protection.
Dr. Oduye is a Christian environmentalist, medical doctor, entrepreneur, SDG advocate passionate about climate change and aspires to be a public health consultant. She talks about environmental health, climate change, good health and well-being (SDG 3,13 and 15). She enjoys giving her time to the community as she volunteers frequently. She is currently the Public Relations Officer at Uccare Initiative in the No To Rape Global Campaign, she is also a volunteer at YOUNGO, she is a greenie volunteer in the Green With Grin NGO, a volunteer at Green child international organization, and a project manager for maternal, infant and young child nutrition.
She was a Millennium fellow in 2021 and an African Youth for Environment fellow at U-recycle Initiative in 2021. She recently attended the 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva Switzerland as an International Federation of Medical Student Association delegate. She continues to show dedication, hard work and passion for public health in her everyday life.
Etotépé A. SOGBOHOSSOU is an agricultural engineer with a PhD in Conservation Biology. Currently director of the Department of Environment at Senghor University, Egypt, she was an associate professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Abomey-Calavi, BENIN. Her field of interest is natural resources management, wildlife and protected areas management. Her goal is to contribute to an improved conservation of biodiversity for human well-being.
As the head of the UN Non-governmental Liaison Service (NGLS), Kathryn Good oversees the team responsible for engaging academia, NGOs and the private sector in intergovernmental events. Kathryn previously led learning and capacity development programs for various audiences at and outside UNHQ.
Before joining the UN in 2010, Kathryn was director of international programs and language area studies at Brown University and supervisor for teacher training at Boston University.
Day 2: Tuesday, October 3
Attend one of the two 17 Rooms. Open each room and select the link to join!
Explore the power of local communities in driving climate action through grassroots initiatives. This room delves into the vital role community engagement plays in addressing climate challenges, showcasing inspiring projects and strategies that empower individuals and neighborhoods to make a significant impact on the path toward a sustainable future.
Sean Schrader is in the final year of his MBA program at the University of South Florida (USF) and will graduate in the spring of 2024. He previously graduated with his undergraduate degree in business management in the spring of 2022. Throughout his life, Sean has been passionate about staying engaged to make a positive difference locally, nationally, and worldwide.
Sean has been fortunate to work with government, nonprofit, and educational institutions and aligning work with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Ultimately, Sean aspires to have a career in public service in some capacity.
Mane Umaru Saidu is a Gombe State University graduate with a BSc in Public Administration. Mane co-founded and lead the "Start the Future Initiative," an NGO dedicated to empowering and engaging youth across vital sectors like climate, leadership, and health. With a fervent commitment to sustainable development goals, particularly climate action, Mane has earned recognition, including a Certificate of Excellence from the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) for contribution to the Climate Actor Accelerator Program (CAAP).
Additionally, Mane received a certificate for outstanding leadership for his role in the World Environmental Day 2023 campaign themed "Beat Plastic Pollution."
Sudha is a law student and Kathmadu School of Law in Nepal. Sudha always seeks opportunities to empower herself and make a difference in empowering youth. Sudha firmly believes in advocating for the underprivileged and marginalized, especially women, and as such, standing up against injustice is a core value.
Juliet was reared in Bondo, Kenya, where she was born and raised. It was there that she first felt a feeling of community and the desire to improve people's quality of life. Her aptitudes are a direct result of here dedication to personal development. Juliet can lead with compassion because she's a charismatic leader who comprehend people's needs and concerns. Juliet is good at communicating ideas clearly and passionately. Beyond academic endeavours, Juliet is enthusiastic about integrity.
Attend one of the five 17 Rooms.
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Exploring the Dynamics of Poverty Alleviation in East African Nations: Insights from Uganda and Kenya. Join us as we delve into the unique challenges, successes, and sustainable solutions in the fight against poverty in these two East African countries.
Kaijamahe is a devoted scholar, currently immersed in the study of Law at Makerere University, while also pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Economics at Kyambogo University. He is recognized for his adaptability, unwavering discipline, and exceptional organizational abilities, which he excels at in both academic and professional pursuits.
Kaijamahe enjoys driving organizational success through seamless teamwork, effective communication, and the exchange of knowledge. Fueled by an unwavering commitment to excellence, he thrives on collaborative efforts for the betterment of our collective progress.
Sophie Javers develops outreach strategies and builds partnerships to ensure that research focused on poverty, food security, improved technology adoption, risk management, and resilience informs policy and development programming. Her efforts create knowledge sharing and engagement at local, national and international levels.
She holds a B.A. in History from Princeton and a M.A. in International Policy Studies from Stanford.
Ifeoluwa is a young lady passionate about nutrition and health. Her research spans community nutrition, food security, and behaviour communication change. She is a recipient of a number of awards and research grants and has scholastic articles in reputable journals. She loves singing, traveling, and bringing about changes wherever she finds herself.
She holds a masters' degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and is a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist.
Join us to discuss various facets of SDG 4, particularly relating to resources within academia for including the SDGs (4.7), training for relevant skills (4.4), and education access (4.2 & 4.3). The connections of SDG4 to other SDGs through policy and practice will also be discussed.
Esther is an undergraduate student of civil engineering at Ahmadu Bello University, in Zaria Kaduna, Nigeria. She interested in the development of world education and poverty reduction.
Aliar is the Head of Department for MSc Advanced Practice at Northumbria University London. He is also the key contact for industry and civic engagement as well as leading the Employer Engagement Advisory Board (EEAB) at London Campus. He is a highly skilled and resourceful Academic Leader with a strong background in learning and teaching pedagogies, leadership training, strategy development and consulting on SDG’s. Aliar has more than 18 years of consulting, lecturing and supervision experiences at various levels of governmental and private higher education in the UK.
He is also enthusiastic to contribute to raising public awareness for good governance, fight against corruption, the concept of global citizenship, importance of doing business ethically and significance of sustainable development in the global village. Drawing on this extensive international experience, Aliar has produced two timely works (Sustainable Development Handbook – A South Asian Perspective, 2011 and Developing The Ministerial Mindset – A Global View, 2013) (available on google search) that highlights the shortcomings of many of those called to serve in sustainability and governance. He supports several not-for-profit projects in the South Asian region that are involved with improving their living standards, sustainable business ideas and free medical treatment. He is an Editorial Board Member for Journal of Business and Retail Management Research
Dr. Natalie Coers is an instructional assistant professor with a split appointment between the UF/IFAS College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) Dean's office and the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC). Coers is primarily in charge of the CALS Leadership Institute and the Challenge 2050 Project. Originally from Emden, Illinois, Coers earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2008, studying agricultural leadership. She then went on to obtain her master's degree in agricultural leadership from the University of Georgia (2010) and her doctorate in agricultural education and communication, specializing in leadership development (2017) from the University of Florida.
The SDG 8 Room discussion will explore the concept of intersectionality between skills training, access to startup funds (grants) and its significance for achieving Positive Youth Development through youth entrepreneurship.
Halimatu is a motivated and passionate individual with a vision to empower young women. She aspires to lead a generation of ethical and transformational female leaders.
Smith is a Professional Clinician and Positive Youth Development Ambassador from Malawi. He is the Principal Founder & CEO of Jehovah's Solar Cooperation (JSC), a Non-Profit NGO dedicated to Positive Youth Development, Clean Energy, Environmental Sustainability, Sustainable Development Policy Analysis and Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Research & Development in Northern Malawi.
Como señala Naciones Unidas, los conflictos violentos, actuales y nuevos, en todo el mundo, están haciendo descarrilar el camino global hacia la paz y hacia la consecución del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 16. Resulta alarmante que en el año 2022 se produjera un aumento en más del 50 % en el número de muertes de civiles relacionadas con los conflictos, debido, en gran parte, a la guerra de Ucrania.
Pero, fuera del foco mediático, en el Sur global hay muchos conflictos que pasan desapercibidos. En esta Sala sobre el ODS 16 vamos a analizar el impacto que tienen estos conflictos olvidados en las sociedades locales y cómo la mejora en la participación de los países en desarrollo en las instituciones de gobernanza mundial puede contribuir a su reducción.
Ángel is an Adjunct Professor of International Law at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), teaching the general course of International Law and more specific courses on International Organizations, Peace, security and conflicts or Development Cooperation. Ángel also holds a position in industry in the field of Development Cooperation. Ángel serves as political advocacy officer at the Spanish Platform of NGOs for development, with specialization in Financing for Development, Humanitarian Action and Education for sustainable development and global citizenship.
[En español] Soy Profesor Asociado de Derecho Internacional en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, en la que imparto el curso general de Derecho Internacional, así como algunos más específicos, como Organizaciones Internacionales, Paz, Seguridad y Conflictos o Cooperación Internacional.Además de esta faceta académica, trabajo en el ámbito de la Cooperación para el Desarrollo y la Acción Humanitaria, en La Coordinadora de Organizaciones para el Desarrollo en España.
Day 3: Wednesday, October 4
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With our shared passion for equal access to education for people with disabilities and experiences with accessibility barriers in education in the Global South, this room will qualitatively and quantitatively examine the state of education for people with disabilities in developing countries. We hope the global input can provide insight into current inadequacies, differences in policies and governmental commitments, and possible ways international higher education and government stakeholders can help support more disability-inclusive education systems in developing countries.
Siyu (Suzanna) Chen is a Chinese-Canadian student passionate about disability equality in education and beyond. She leads and participates in evidence-based initiatives towards accessible sustainable development as a Global Youth Ambassador at Theirworld, a Millennium Fellow affiliated with United Nations Academic Impact, an Ambassador of Higher Education for Good Foundation, and a member of disabled-led education organizations, including Disabled Students UK and the Alliance for Inclusive Education.
Believing in the impact of youth leadership, Suzanna has contributed her voice as a disabled youth on various international platforms, including as a delegate at the UN Economic and Social Council Youth Forum, the UN General Assembly, and the World Bank Group Youth Summit. Most recently, she wrote and delivered an intervention as a youth and NGO representative during the 2023 UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), in which she advocated for more comprehensive consultation with civil society stakeholders and more inclusive data collection mechanisms in the Canadian Government’s effort towards the SDGs.
Oladipupo Oluwaseyi is a Sport Development Enthusiast particularly passionate about seeing sports effectively deployed as a tool of impact for individuals with special needs. He holds a B.Ed. Human Kinetics (First Class Honors), from University of Ibadan (Oyo state, Nigeria).
Oluwaseyi is presently concluding a Masters Degree in Sports Management and Policy Development at the African Union’s Flagship University ‘Pan African University Institute of Life and Earth Sciences (PAULESI), Ibadan. He runs an adapted sport initiative for individuals with visual impairment- 'See Beyond Sight' fostered by the PAULESI Center of Excellence supported by Africa Development Bank. In the next 5 years, Oladipupo envisions this initiative reaching about 5,000 individuals with visual impairment in Africa.
Day 4: Thursday, October 5
Attend one of the two 17 Rooms. Open each room and select the link to join!
Around 130 million girls are out of school. Why? Education is one of the most essential tools for the development of society and building of structures based on the values of inclusiveness. How can we ensure that community leaders are working on giving chances for girls to finish their schooling? What has to be done to rebuild and rethink existing leadership?
Kamila's past few years has been a journey of constant discovery for answers about humanity and its essence. Peace engagement in Pakistan, being with Tuaregs in the Algerian desert, researching social engagement in Jordan, observing social development of the Republic of Dagestan, facilitating Community Development in a Fijian village, supporting village Poland on the Pacific Ocean, learning from Australian First Nation’s Elders and speaking at multiple international events as the beginning.
Kamila is holds a masters of Innovation, Human Development, and Sustainability form University of Geneva and an ED from the European Academy of Diplomacy.
Emmanson Bright is a youth who is passionate about making social impact and is committed to learning. Emmanson is from Awka Ibom, Nigeria and currently volunteers in faucet a Ngo that is committed to reaching out to vulnerable children and teens.
She is a student of psychology at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.
Aleezay Khaliq is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, George Mason University. Her research focuses on the sense of belonging, social integration and identity of Muslim immigrants. Her research examines how Muslim negotiate their intersectional identities based on their racial and ethnic background.
She has been teaching in the sociology department for the past 5 years. Prior to joining doctoral studies, she received a master of science and bachelors of science (Hons) in economics with a special focus on development economics.
Ukazu Beauty Uzochi holds a bachelors degree in political science. She is passionate about quality education, climate change, and gender equality. She is a member of the United Nations Girl Child education initiative advocating for gender equality through education. She is the founder of Ignite by Beauty Initiative.
God'sfavour Idowu-Agida is a Backend Developer at Versity Edge and a civil engineering student of the University of Ibadan, hailing from Ogun state, Nigeria. His career goal is to harness technology to address global challenges such as hunger, poverty, malaria, and education disparities. Currently, he's passionately working on building tech startups. In his free time, he enjoys coding, playing video games, playing chess, dancing, and applying his problem-solving skills. With expertise in software engineering and cloud development, God'sfavour is poised to make a meaningful impact in the tech world.
Wanlin Bai is a sophomore at Duke Kunshan University majoring in economics. Born and raised in China, Wanlin is passionate about poverty alleviation and rural development. She has worked to promote the use of technology among rural elders. Wanlin has the distinction of being a Difference Maker and would like to dedicate her efforts to changing the local community in the future.
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Goal 7 ensures access for all to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy. This is key to the development of agriculture, business, communications, education, healthcare, and transportation.
Purvi Parekh is an Educator by profession and currently working on her thesis for her masters in education. She is a global schools advocate mentor, and she advocates for sustainability and the UN SDG Goals. She is Scientix Ambassador for India in disseminating of STEM. She is recognised as India’s 100 Women Achiever by Glantor X and awarded by Education forum for her contributions in the Education community.
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This room will discuss how ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all means the total achievement of all the SDGs. Sustainable management of water resources and access to safe water and sanitation are essential for unlocking economic growth, sustainable development, and productivity and provide significant leverage for existing investments in health, education, and the achievement of the other SDGs and the 2030 Agenda.
Edwin is a driven and motivated individual who is currently pursuing his bachelor's degree in Medical Laboratory Science at CEPRES International University in Liberia. He is passionate about contributing to the improvement of healthcare systems. He is also a social entrepreneur, a community leader, and Founder and Executive Director of Youth Action Lead Liberia, a non-profit organization that advocates for climate change and youth participation in democratic processes in Liberia. He is committed to improving the lives of people in his community and beyond, and works tirelessly to promote the success of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Liberia, with particular focus on SDG6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and SDG4 (Equality Education).
Edwin holds a diploma in Medical Laboratory Assistant from the Apostle Wisdom School of Health Assistant.
Joyce has research interests in development, especially sustainable development and social policies, enterprise development and financing; Market resilience and Universal health coverage, climate change, food security, etc. She is a professor in the department of Development Management at the Faculty of Sustainable Development Studies. She has taught courses such as Theater for Development; Development Communication; Social Protection Policies and Development; Development Theories, Planning, and Policy Studies; Social Impact and Livelihood Studies; Right-Based Approach to Development; Internationalization and Education; Democracy and Development; Gender and Rural Development; Culture and Development; Human Rights Treaties and Conventions; Multicultural Education; Media Education; and Social Marketing for Public and Non-Profit Organizations, and various courses from the Development Education curriculum.
Joyce holds a PhD in Endogenous development, an MPhil in Development management, and a BA in integrated Development studies, all from the University for Development Studies, Ghana.
Luis Gillen is an EARTH University Professor for the course Integrated Waste Management since 2019. He holds a Master´s degree in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of Florida and a Profesional Master´s degree in Project Management from Universidad Interamericana de Costa Rica.
Day 5: Friday, October 6
17 Rooms Closing Session: Hear reflections on the 17 Rooms process and learn about a new initiative to create a global climate research and education center: the New York Climate Exchange.
Dr. Shannon Yee is an Associate Professor at the G.W.W. School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Yee joined Georgia Tech in 2014 directly from his PhD at the University of California Berkeley. In the midst of his studies, he joined the US. Dept. of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy (ARPA-E) during its inaugural year as the first ARPA-E Fellow. Most recently, Dr. Yee is directing the Generation II Reinvent the Toilet (G2RT) program supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and was recognized as one of Bill Gate’s Heroes in the Field in 2021. Currently, he is the Executive Director of The Exchange at Georgia Tech and leads research, technology, and commercialization efforts for The New York Climate Exchange.
Jacob Taylor is a fellow in the Center for Sustainable Development. He is a core secretariat member of the 17 Rooms initiative, a new approach to catalyzing action for the Sustainable Development Goals. His research focuses on mechanisms for advancing collaboration and collective intelligence for global-scale sustainable development challenges across disciplines, sectors, and geographies.
Jacob is a cognitive anthropologist by training with a research background in collective intelligence and social cohesion in human systems and high-performing teams. Within the 17 Rooms initiative, he is responsible for codification of insights and innovations across both the global flagship process and the bottom-up 17 Rooms-X community of practice. Before joining Brookings, he conducted applied research in several contexts, including most recently as a research fellow at the Asian Bureau of Economic Research at the Australian National University, and as a consulting scientist to a DARPA research program for developing technology for team intelligence and performance.
Jacob has a regional research focus on China, having spent several years studying, working, and conducting ethnographic research in Beijing with the local Chinese sports community. He himself has a background in professional team sport, representing his native country of Australia in Rugby 7s, 2009-2013. He received a B.A. (Honors) from the University of Sydney and an M.Sc. in cognitive and evolutionary anthropology and D.Phil. (Ph.D.) in anthropology from the University of Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar.