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SDGs Driving Change in Business on Purpose

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This session will explore the role of the SDGs in business as fuel for transformation and the development of a new social contract with business and society. Drawing on research with global CEOs, the session will explore how business is currently engaging with the SDGs as a shared purpose to help navigate VUCA conditions. The event will also future-cast what more businesses can do to accelerate delivery again the goals. Click on the event title for information on how to join this virtual session.
Organizer: Harvard University

Sustainability Literacy: A Global Challenge for Higher Education Institutions

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

In this opening event of UGC Action & Awareness Week, Aurélien Decamps, Sulitest's co-founder and faculty at Kedge Business School, will discuss the Sulitest International Test, a tool for assessing an individual's SDG literacy. During SDG A&A Week, students, faculty, and staff of all member universities of UGC will have the opportunity to respond to the SuliTest free of charge. Preliminary results will be presented and discussed in a closing event on Friday, March 5. Click on the event title to view additional event information and access link to join the event.
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, SUNY (the State University of New York)

Economic Inequality: The Challenge and Hope of Sustainable Development

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This panel discussion debunks the myth that sustainability is only for “rich” people and shows how beneficial sustainable development can be for reducing economic inequality within the U.S. Panelists will address the systemic factors that lead us to think sustainability is only for the rich, highlight how SUNY Geneseo is adopting sustainable activities that are good for the college's budget, and discuss why sustainable development is actually the best pathway forward for historically-marginalized communities. Click on event title for more information and to see link to join event.

Organizer: SUNY Geneseo

Contraception and Consumption in the Age of Extinction

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

To understand how people in the US perceive their impact on the environment the Center for Biological Diversity conducted a national survey. Attend this Public Interest Environmental Law Conference webinar for a summary of the survey analysis along with message testing & organizational scan results. Click the title for more information and link to attend.
Organizer: Center for Biological Diversity

International Jeopardy Global Goals Edition

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join Education Abroad for a fun virtual game night, test your knowledge of all things international, and learn about the Global Goals. Hosted by the University at Albany's Center for International Education & Global Strategy. Click the event title for more information and to register for free tickets.
Organizer: University at Albany

Research to Action: Enhancing Equality, Equity, and Access to Basic Goods and Services

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This panel discussion will focus on how researchers and practitioners are working together to address local and global disparities that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and continue to threaten the security of hundreds of millions. The speakers will highlight ongoing efforts aimed at reducing inequality (SDG 5 and SDG 10), enhancing equity, and ensuring access to basic goods and services for everyone – including ending poverty (SDG 1), eliminating hunger (SDG 2), and ensuring access to clean water and sanitation (SDG 6). Free registration is required; click the event title to access registration link.

Organizer: George Mason University

Collaborative Academic Action for Good Health and Well-Being

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The webinar focuses on possible collaborative partnerships and interventions in promoting good health and well-being. The main aim of the event is to identify alternative ways to knowledge transfer for improving health sector performance across different contexts, particularly in developing and emerging economies of Global South. For more information on the event and to access the link, click on the event title.
Organizer: IIHMR University, India

The New Field of Peace Engineering: Educational Opportunities and Research Themes

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join the Atlanta Global Studies Center to learn more about the new field of Peace Engineering. Free registration required; click the event title to access registration link and event/speaker information.
Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology/Georgia State University

Monitoring and Countering Racist and Xenophobic Attitudes in Universities: A Study of the Spanish Committee of UNHCR (en Español)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Universities play a strategic role in countering discrimination, racism and hate speech in our societies. But do we actually know to what extent xenophobic attitudes may emerge or proliferate in university campuses? To address this issue, the Spanish Committee of UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) is launching an online survey targeting students of ten Spanish public universities. The survey is part of a wider research on the presence of racist and xenophobic attitudes in higher education institutions. In this webinar UNHCR’s researchers meet UC3M experts to discuss how universities can effectively monitor and counteract racism and xenophobia in their campuses.

Organizer: University Carlos III Madrid in collaboration with the Spanish Committee of UNHCR
Language of the event: Spanish

Hunger and the Pandemic – A View from the Ground

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

A panel discussion on the impact of the pandemic on hunger from the perspective of people involved in the field. Click the event title for more information and zoom link/event passcode.
Organizer: State University of New York at Geneseo

Beyond Bean Counting: Measuring Peace for SDG 16

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

SDG 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions seeks to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. Although metrics like the cost of corruption, number of registered births, number of homicides, and number of refugees provide a baseline to measure progress toward this goal, do these indicators truly measure peace? The Carter School Peace Engineering Lab will host a conversation about innovative approaches to measuring peace that move beyond simple quantitative measurements and achieve a richer understanding of the context of peace. Click the event title for meeting join information.
George Mason University Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution

ESDG Experiments: How to Accelerate Education for Sustainable Development in Universities (en Español)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The webinar presents the report “Accelerating Education for the SDGs in Universities,” recently published by SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network). Discussion will focus on innovative and transformational initiatives through which Education for the SDGs can be implemented in our universities. During the event we will present the project U4Impact, a platform that allows students of UC3M and other Spanish universities to work for their Bachelor or Master dissertations on impact projects related to the SDGs and proposed by private, public and third-sector organizations.

Organizer: University Carlos III Madrid in collaboration with REDS (Red Española de Desarrollo Sostenible)

Language of the event: Spanish

Advancing the SDGs through Graduate Research

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

A group of PhD students affiliated with the Reconciling Societal Divisions and Memories Lab at George Mason University will discuss how they are contributing to the SDGs through their dissertation research. 6 students will give brief presentations, followed by Q&A. Although the students may address multiple SDGs, the primary focus will be on SDG 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Free registration required; click the event title to access registration link.

Organizer: George Mason University

SDG 4 Quality Education: Higher Education International Partnerships

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

In this 7th webinar of a series on issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals at the University of Minnesota, a panel of scholars and practitioners will discuss how university partnerships and networks are advancing impactful work in communities and countries around the world. Looking at a variety of network models in several fields, panelists will offer examples and insights on where progress is being made and where more work is needed. Click title to access link to join.
Organizer: University of Minnesota

UC Davis and Earth University Students Addressing UN SDG2 – Zero Hunger

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

UC Davis SDG student interns and Earth University students host a student-oriented symposium to highlight efforts on SDG 2 (No Hunger), including the work being done at both universities and the student farms on each campus. Questions and topics covered during both segments will include issues about student involvement and how students can contribute towards the SDG Agenda in their own communities.

EARTH University
UC Davis

SDG 4.7: The Path towards Quality Education

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This discussion, hosted by the Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA 2030), will address the pivotal role of higher education institutions in providing all students not only with the knowledge they need in order to contribute to the implementation of Agenda 2030, but also with the skills and competencies necessary to make a meaningful contribution to future societies. Using target 4.7 as a starting point, presenters will highlight concrete examples from GCUA 2030 institutions, a global network of partners with a common vision of contributing to sustainable, global development. Free registration is required; click the event title to access registration information.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
University of Tennessee

Climate Change and the Design of the Built Environment

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The Georgia Institute of Technology Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design Conference: Climate Change and the Design of the Built Environment: Enterprising Approaches for Industry, Government, and Community. Registration (free) required. Click event title for access to link.

Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology

Engaging Students on Sharing SDG Best Practices at Their Universities: An Interactive Workshop with the SDG Dashboard

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This interactive workshop will guide participants through the SDG Dashboard creation process.  In addition to discussing the importance of the SDGs and data-sharing around the SDGs, we will walk through the initial data entry through a shared, open-source data sheet that all participants can engage with live with hands-on guidance from our team. During this activity, the participants will be taught the core fundamentals of our SDG Dashboard building process we use on our Higher Education SDG Dashboards around the world. The end result is a collaborative, diverse, data visualization SDG Dashboard that we will provide every member access at the end of the workshop.
Organizer: St. Joseph's University

Students Addressing UN SDG 6 – Clean Water & Sanitation: Perspectives from Newcastle University and UC Davis

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

In partnership with Newcastle University in England, UC Davis Global Affairs is proud to present a panel event addressing SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation. Panelists, including students and faculty, will share their work, reflect on what they have gained by engaging with the work of others, and impart other key learnings. Click on event title for (free) registration link.

Action on the SDGs: Nebraska’s Local Work towards Global Goals

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

University of Nebraska-Lincoln presents a panel in which we'll hear from students advancing the SDGs in their work with their peers, administrators, and the campus at large; how the goals are being advanced in the Lincoln community *and* the classroom (sometimes at the same time); and about cutting edge research happening both in Nebraska and with collaborators around the world.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Traveling Sustainably After the “Pause”

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This session will explore strategies that can be used to reduce carbon footprints in relation to international travel. Drawing on sustainable practices that can be implemented from the individual level all the way up to the institutional level, we hope to identify some concrete ways that international travelers are already reducing their footprint and hope to continue to reduce in the future. Click event title for more information and to access event link.
Event Organizers:
SUNY Cortland