All event times listed are Eastern Standard Time zone (EST: New York).  A time zone converter is available here.


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SDGs and You: How you can contribute to a sustainable world (6-7 pm IST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Project Adhyayan presents a workshop on "SDGs and You: How you can contribute to a sustainable world." This event will help students understand how they can contribute to a more sustainable world on an individual level and how grassroot level ideas bring about change. To register: Feb 28 6 to 7 pm IST

Organizer: SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) - Youth Division

Feb 28 6 to 7 pm IST


Building an SDG Youth Corps

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This one hour session will review the SDG Youth Corps as part of the United Nations Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) on Education for Sustainable Development in Georgetown, SC, an initiative of Coastal Carolina University, Georgetown County, and the Bunnelle Foundation in South Carolina. RCEs promote multi-stakeholder engagement for transformative learning and change in the framework of the SDGs among campus and community partners. This discussion will focus on the Youth Corps program and how students intern in community public and private organizations to gain career experience and contribute to building a more sustainable community. To Join: (meeting ID and passcode in full event description)

Organizer: Coastal Carolina University directed UN RCE


Mapping the Gap: Visualizing Food Resource Needs to Address Community Food Insecurity

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This presentation from UN RCE Georgetown at Coastal Carolina University will provide an overview of the team's recent work examining food insecurity and addressing SDG 2 - Zero Hunger. The team will detail the methods undertaken to understand the community's food insecurity challenges and explain how a thorough community-based data collection initiative led to the development of a food resource dashboard. The presenters will demonstrate the dashboard's functionality and answer audience questions regarding how to undertake a similar process in their own communities. To Join:

Organizer: Coastal Carolina University


Queen’s University SDG Week Speaker Series: Day 2, SDG1: No Poverty

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Day 2 of the SDG Speaker series: The SDG Speaker Series will feature local experts presenting their current initiatives and explore how they are making an impact. Featuring representatives from the City of Kingston, Queen's University and an array of local not for profits, the SDG Speaker Series hopes to formulate connections and inspire action. The event will be totally on Zoom, please register ahead of time to ensure you have access to the link.

Organizer: Queen's University


Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Intersection of Climate and Migration (11:00-12:00 am CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is partnering with the Department of Modern Languages and the School of Global Integrative Studies to host an interdisciplinary panel exploring the many complexities at the intersection of climate change and migration. All are welcome to join this virtual panel discussion. REGISTER:

Organizer: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

11:00-12:00 am CST


Global Shared Learning Classroom con metodología COIL y desarrollo de competencias éticas y ciudadanas.

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Bajo el proyecto TEC GLOBAL SHARE LEARNING CLASSROOM y la metodología COIL, dos universidades ITESM (México) y URV (España) se unen con alumnos en dos materias integrados en equipos internacionales, que bajo uno de los 17 ODS de la Agenda 2030 cada equipo investiga, mapea y propone soluciones viables, a corto plazo para coadyuvar en algunas de las metas del ODS otorgado y que tenga impacto real  (social/ambiental) con acciones concretas en su territorio (México y España).
Pueden registrarse enviando un correo a:

🌍✨ Empowerment and Action: Celebrate Women’s Day with Us! ✨🌍(10.30-13.00 Libya, EET; Arabic, English translation available))

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join us for an inspiring day of stories, insights, and discussions on how we can collectively work towards a sustainable future through the empowerment and leadership of women.
Organizers: Tobruk University, Municipality of Tobruk, and Tobruk Security Directorate
Register at: