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SDG13: Climate Action

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Contraception and Consumption in the Age of Extinction

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

To understand how people in the US perceive their impact on the environment the Center for Biological Diversity conducted a national survey. Attend this Public Interest Environmental Law Conference webinar for a summary of the survey analysis along with message testing & organizational scan results. Click the title for more information and link to attend.
Organizer: Center for Biological Diversity

Climate Change and the Design of the Built Environment

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The Georgia Institute of Technology Kendeda Building for Innovative Sustainable Design Conference: Climate Change and the Design of the Built Environment: Enterprising Approaches for Industry, Government, and Community. Registration (free) required. Click event title for access to link.

Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology

Students Taking on Hunger: Ideas from Around the World on Addressing Food Insecurity and Inadequate Nutrition

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Please join us on Monday, March 6, 1-2 pm PST, as UC Davis SDG Interns interview student speakers from around the world about encouraging local agricultural production, reducing food waste, and engaging communities to facilitate food distribution.
Organizer: UC Davis
To register:

Urban Gardening & Composting: Take Action in Your Community

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

We head over to Colombia's second biggest city, Medellin, to explore the positive social and environmental impacts urban gardening can have upon your community. Led by a local pioneer, you will learn how to dramatically reduce your daily carbon footprint while also discovering expert techniques to be able to start a composting system for your home or university. The interactive webinar includes a presentation from local pioneer Laura Rubio and tangible take-away tools to take sustainable action straight away.
Organizer: Kagumu Adventures


Advancing careers & the SDGs: how a co-curricular program prepares students to make a difference in their professional paths

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's SDG Scholar Program (housed within their College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources), seeks to both spark curiosity about the goals and help students chart their professional paths to be aligned with them. Learn more about the program (and potentially join us as an SDG expert, if you're interested!) by attending this session about creatively re-combining resources and connections to benefit students, our countries, and the world.
Organizer: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Global Goals Jam Canada Winter 2023

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The Global Goals Jam Canada Winter 2023 program is organized by the SDG Innovation Lab, Centre of Entrepreneurship, Centennial College with OSPE and Canadian Partners and the support from UNDP and Digital Society School Amsterdam. It is a weekend program to contribute to the Global Goals by collaborating and building solutions to pressing social or business challenges and invoking the participation and engagement of students, entrepreneurs, designers, engineers, creative thinkers, and the public community. The program uses a design process and lean methodology to guide participants ensuring that any potential solutions actually solve the problem at hand.
Organizer: Centennial College and Partners

Conferencia “De la desigualdad de género a la desigualdad climática” (11.00-12.00 CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The objective of this conference is to explore the intersection between gender inequality and climate inequality, highlighting how these affect the addressing of other challenges such as climate change.
Organizer: Tec de Monterrey

Religious Studies and Climate Justice

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Religious studies students come to understand that religion and climate justice are not just compatible with each other, but that climate justice cannot be achieved without the mobilization and inclusion of religious communities. How do students develop this knowledge into skills for sustainability development?
Organizer: JMU Dining
Link to join: password: sdg

Engaging in Transdisciplinary Climate Research (11.00-11.50 am PST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Conducting climate change research requires individuals from across disciplines to work together on solutions. But it’s not always simple – researchers are often trained within specific disciplines with techniques, approaches and customs that differ from others working towards similar solutions. So where do we begin?
Organizer: University of British Columbia