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Campaña Mundial por la Educación: llamada a la acción por el ODS 4 / Global Campaign on Education: Call for action for de SDG4 (IN SPANISH; 11:00 AM -12:15 PM CET)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

En esta sesión, desde la Campaña Mundial por la Educación (CME) en España, haremos una revisión del estatus actual del ODS4 (por el Derecho a la Educación), y veremos los impactos y retos que ha supuesto la pandemia, utilizando dinámicas interactivas. 4-03-2022 11:00 AM -12:15 PM Madrid (CET) (Passcode: 220130)

Organizer: Campaña Mundial por la Educación and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

4-03-2022 11:00 AM -12:15 PM Madrid (CET)


The power of partnership: SDG 17 and university partnerships to achieve the goals (11am-12pm GMT)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Manchester currently leads the world for impact on the SDGs. Like other universities we have significant local, national and global partnerships, and we would like to use these to prompt conversation about how university partnerships help our sector to tackle global development challenges. The event will feature a local partnership from our pioneering BeeWell project; a national partnership from our UK Productivity Institute; and a global partnership discussing our work with the Association of Commonwealth Universities. We will then finish with an open invitation for organizations around the world to partner with us in addressing the SDGs through our University Living Labs initiative. Watch live on Youtube - link in full event description.

Organizer: The University of Manchester


SDGs and PEOPLES in a Region: Strategic OUTSTEPS for Students into a Career of Matching Interests and Expertise

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The speaker will share strategies for students to analyze and prepare themselves for careers in a field that bridges industry, administration, and government. To successfully link, integrate and develop future collaborations linking PEOPLES’ interests and expertise requires one to step out of conventional procedures. The speaker led the development of the network in creating a regional network of expertise and knowledge to work on sustainability and community resilience and will describe how students can create their future careers in this field of work.

Organizer: University at Buffalo


Together|Ensemble Panel Discussion: Reflecting on SDG Reporting in Higher Education Institutions

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Reporting on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has become increasingly common at higher education institutions as we move closer toward the objectives of Agenda 2030. This panel discussion will examine the processes and motivations behind SDG reporting, considering the question, “how do institutions report meaningfully on their SDG initiatives instead of merely cataloguing them?” Direct French translation will be provided by the Institut en environnement, développement et société, Laval University. To register:

Organized as part of the #TogetherEnsemble2022 conference.


Engaging with the SDGs to Advance Sustainability in Atlanta

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join us to hear panelists discuss how engagement with the SDGs enables Georgia Tech and its partners to advance sustainability in Atlanta and beyond.

Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology
