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SDG2: Zero Hunger

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Saving UAE’s Native Plants: How we Built the Flora Database (2-3 p.m. Gulf Standard Time)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The purpose of the webinar is to explain the efforts of young Emirati plant specialists in the generation of UAE Flora: The Native Plants Database of Emirates; a fully referenced, extensively validated, evolving, web-based, virtual database that has been designed and developed to introduce native plants form the biodiversity of UAE to the Global scientific communities, with the help and support of UAE plants’ expert from all the emirates. This database will be accessible to experts, researchers, and the public to support the UAE Flora conservation and reintroduction efforts.
Organizer: Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus

Students Taking on Hunger: Ideas from Around the World on Addressing Food Insecurity and Inadequate Nutrition

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Please join us on Monday, March 6, 1-2 pm PST, as UC Davis SDG Interns interview student speakers from around the world about encouraging local agricultural production, reducing food waste, and engaging communities to facilitate food distribution.
Organizer: UC Davis
To register:

Advancing careers & the SDGs: how a co-curricular program prepares students to make a difference in their professional paths

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's SDG Scholar Program (housed within their College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources), seeks to both spark curiosity about the goals and help students chart their professional paths to be aligned with them. Learn more about the program (and potentially join us as an SDG expert, if you're interested!) by attending this session about creatively re-combining resources and connections to benefit students, our countries, and the world.
Organizer: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Global Shared Learning Classroom con metodología COIL y desarrollo de competencias éticas y ciudadanas.

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Bajo el proyecto TEC GLOBAL SHARE LEARNING CLASSROOM y la metodología COIL, dos universidades ITESM (México) y URV (España) se unen con alumnos en dos materias integrados en equipos internacionales, que bajo uno de los 17 ODS de la Agenda 2030 cada equipo investiga, mapea y propone soluciones viables, a corto plazo para coadyuvar en algunas de las metas del ODS otorgado y que tenga impacto real  (social/ambiental) con acciones concretas en su territorio (México y España).
Pueden registrarse enviando un correo a:

Sustainable Food System Solutions Research Fair (in-person, McGill University)

McGill University Thomson House Ballroom

Come learn about innovative student research on improving food security, food as medicine, Indigenous nutrition, and more at the Sustainable Food System Solutions Research Fair on Thursday, March 9 starting at 3 p.m. in the Thomson House Ballroom (3650 McTavish St., Montreal). Enjoy free food, hear from McGill students and a guest speaker, and celebrate the launch of a new food security research network designed to connect students based on the downtown and Macdonald campuses.

SDG-Impact Careers Session 1: Natalie Sehi (#2 & #3) (12-1pm CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's SDG Scholars Program helps students to dive deeper into their knowledge of the SDGs, engage with peers from different communities, create original content and action plans, but critically, helps students expand their professional networks and explore career possibilities. Featured SDG-Career Guest:Natalie Sehi, M.S.
Organizer: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
To register:

SDG Careers Session 2: Bevon Charles (#2, #8) (9-10 am CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Register at:
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s SDG Scholars Program helps students to dive deeper into their knowledge of the SDGs. Join us to see what our program is like and to hear from a professional working towards one or more of the SDGs in their day-to-day work. Featured SDG-Career Guest: Bevon Charles, CEO/Founder of Akata Farms, agriprenuer-farmer, sustainable development advocate, creative, youth leader, innovator, and techprenuer.
Organizer: the University of Nebraska-Lincoln