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SDG4: Quality Education

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Global Shared Learning Classroom con metodología COIL y desarrollo de competencias éticas y ciudadanas.

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Bajo el proyecto TEC GLOBAL SHARE LEARNING CLASSROOM y la metodología COIL, dos universidades ITESM (México) y URV (España) se unen con alumnos en dos materias integrados en equipos internacionales, que bajo uno de los 17 ODS de la Agenda 2030 cada equipo investiga, mapea y propone soluciones viables, a corto plazo para coadyuvar en algunas de las metas del ODS otorgado y que tenga impacto real  (social/ambiental) con acciones concretas en su territorio (México y España).
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INSERLAB: A Conversation with our Alumni (Spanish/Catalan)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

On Thursday 9th March, we’ll be talking online about INSERLAB, a higher education program that prepares young people with intellectual disAbility for supported employment.
Pau, Sara, Gerard and Josep will be our thought-provoking guests. As Inserlab students, they will explain you their experiences at Universitat Rovira i Virgili and how this academic journey has changed their lives.
Whether you’re a university manager, a teacher, an employer looking for talent or a young person willing to improve your skills our story will inspire you to act.
Presented in: Spanish/Catalan
Organizer: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

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