SDG4: Quality Education

Alianzas para el Cambio: Universidades y Estudiantes en la Agenda de Sustentabilidad en América Latina (13.00-14.00 CST)

The event intends to provide a space where students can discuss with key actors on the role of universities and their students within the implementation of public policies and agreements to achieve sustainability in Latin America.
Organizer: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe

Alianzas para el Cambio: Universidades y Estudiantes en la Agenda de Sustentabilidad en América Latina (13.00-14.00 CST) Read More »

The Creative Cafe: International Women’s Day 2023 (15:00-17:00 GMT)

Using arts as a tool for education and social change, we invite everyone to join us in an afternoon of sewing, painting, sign-making and reflection about the struggles of women, girls and the vulnerable sectors in achieving equitable education. As we anchor this event to International Women’s Day 2023, campaigning for women and girls and LGBTQIA+ education (SDG 4) and equality (SDG 5) can help us build sustainable and equitable societies and communities.
Organizer: The Creative Cafe @ University of Strathclyde

The Creative Cafe: International Women’s Day 2023 (15:00-17:00 GMT) Read More »

Teaching the SDGs: Innovations in teaching about the Sustainable Development Goals

This panel will explore innovation in the context of teaching the SDGs, approaches to teaching using innovative strategies to help improve learning outcomes in universities and colleges across Canada.
Hosted by SDSN Canada and the Sustainability Hub at University of British Columbia

Teaching the SDGs: Innovations in teaching about the Sustainable Development Goals Read More »

Global Shared Learning Classroom con metodología COIL y desarrollo de competencias éticas y ciudadanas.

Bajo el proyecto TEC GLOBAL SHARE LEARNING CLASSROOM y la metodología COIL, dos universidades ITESM (México) y URV (España) se unen con alumnos en dos materias integrados en equipos internacionales, que bajo uno de los 17 ODS de la Agenda 2030 cada equipo investiga, mapea y propone soluciones viables, a corto plazo para coadyuvar en algunas de las metas del ODS otorgado y que tenga impacto real  (social/ambiental) con acciones concretas en su territorio (México y España).
Pueden registrarse enviando un correo a:

Global Shared Learning Classroom con metodología COIL y desarrollo de competencias éticas y ciudadanas. Read More »

One Choice – Would you choose to not use any substances before you turn 21? (5:30 p.m. PST start)

Join Mentor Foundation USA for an engaging conversation with Robert L. DuPont, MD, first Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and President of the Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc., who has devoted more than five decades to the prevention and treatment of drug addiction. Led by Mentor USA’s Youth Advisory Committee President, Jeremy Dawidowicz and Dr. DuPont will dig into why substance use disorder (addiction) is a disease that starts in adolescence, the negative impacts of early substance use on mental health, education, and relationships, and how American youth are positively changing the conversation from substance use to NON-use.

One Choice – Would you choose to not use any substances before you turn 21? (5:30 p.m. PST start) Read More »

Legathon (en español; 10:00 a.m. – 18:30 p.m. CET)

Are you interested in making a positive difference for people with disabilities? If you are between 16 and 20 years old and would like to present your innovative ideas on how to make a real improvement to the lives of the citizens of Leganes with some degree of disability, join the Legathon!
Organizer: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Presented in Spanish
To Register:

Legathon (en español; 10:00 a.m. – 18:30 p.m. CET) Read More »

Educating for Tomorrow’s Unknowns: Sustainability Front and Centre

How can we understand global issues? How can we learn to live happily, sustainably, and ethically without the feeling of only cutting back? What does this exactly mean for educators, parents, and students? Join us for a public lecture on 7 March 2023 at 7 pm (EST) on the potential of educating for a sustainable future for young people to become global citizens in this complicated world.

Organizer: York University

Educating for Tomorrow’s Unknowns: Sustainability Front and Centre Read More »

INSERLAB: A Conversation with our Alumni (Spanish/Catalan)

On Thursday 9th March, we’ll be talking online about INSERLAB, a higher education program that prepares young people with intellectual disAbility for supported employment.
Pau, Sara, Gerard and Josep will be our thought-provoking guests. As Inserlab students, they will explain you their experiences at Universitat Rovira i Virgili and how this academic journey has changed their lives.
Whether you’re a university manager, a teacher, an employer looking for talent or a young person willing to improve your skills our story will inspire you to act.
Presented in: Spanish/Catalan
Organizer: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

To Join:

INSERLAB: A Conversation with our Alumni (Spanish/Catalan) Read More »

SDGs Student Awareness Wake-Day @ University of Ghana (in person event)

The level of sustainability education and action on climate change in Ghana has been tepid over the past two years, and the advancement of the country’s climate commitments is happening at a slow pace. The impending impacts continue to undo many development efforts and deepen poverty levels. Henceforward, the goal of the SDGs Students Awareness Day is to develop an in-depth action plan to ramp up actions in the area of sustainable development both on campus and outside campus. The event includes a Sustainable Development Movie Screening, Dialogue, and a Vision board Creative Action.

In-person event at University of Ghana

12:00-14:00 GMT

SDGs Student Awareness Wake-Day @ University of Ghana (in person event) Read More »

SDG 4 Quality Education: Higher Education International Partnerships

In this 7th webinar of a series on issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals at the University of Minnesota, a panel of scholars and practitioners will discuss how university partnerships and networks are advancing impactful work in communities and countries around the world. Looking at a variety of network models in several fields, panelists will offer examples and insights on where progress is being made and where more work is needed. Click title to access link to join.
Organizer: University of Minnesota

SDG 4 Quality Education: Higher Education International Partnerships Read More »