All event times listed are Eastern Standard Time zone (EST: New York) unless otherwise noted in the event title and description.  A time zone converter is available here.

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UGC’s SDG Action and Awareness Week

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join us for events throughout the week (3-7 March 2025) that celebrate action towards and learning about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Events will be posted individually on the events calendar in Eastern Standard Time, and each event will contain a link to join.

Mi Universidad Sin Residuos (Español; 9.30 am-1pm CST)

Sala de Conferencias edificio 3, Universidad Anáhuac Mayab, Mérida, Yucatán, México

Evento de inicio y presentación a la comunidad estudiantil del proyecto “Mi Universidad Sin Residuos”, en donde descubrirán el propósito, impacto e información del reciclaje para sumarse y convertirse en verdaderos agentes de cambio. Evento en persona

Universidad Anáhuac Mayab