All event times listed are Eastern Standard Time zone (EST: New York).  A time zone converter is available here.

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Alianzas para el Cambio: Universidades y Estudiantes en la Agenda de Sustentabilidad en América Latina (13.00-14.00 CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The event intends to provide a space where students can discuss with key actors on the role of universities and their students within the implementation of public policies and agreements to achieve sustainability in Latin America.
Organizer: TecnolĂłgico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe

SDG-Impact Careers Session 1: Natalie Sehi (#2 & #3) (12-1pm CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's SDG Scholars Program helps students to dive deeper into their knowledge of the SDGs, engage with peers from different communities, create original content and action plans, but critically, helps students expand their professional networks and explore career possibilities. Featured SDG-Career Guest:Natalie Sehi, M.S.
Organizer: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
To register:

Catalysts for Change: Campus Champions for the #GlobalGoals (5-6 p.m. CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Link to join at event start time:   Time: 5-6 p.m. CST Catalysts for Change: Campus Champions for the #GlobalGoals Public Keynote by Celine Kassem: McCastlain Hall 143 (Art Lecture Hall), 5 p.m. Reception: Center for Chinese Language and Culture, McCastlain Hall, 6 p.m. Sponsor: Center for Global Learning and Engagement, UCA Model United […]

UNESCO: An Overview of the Pact for the Future (presented in English and French; 15.00-16.30 CET)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

In this Seminar, UNESCO Chairs will interact with invited experts to discuss the zero draft, and to consider how UNESCO Chairs and research partners might engage with these issues from their diverse intellectual and geographic vantage points.
Organizer: UNESCO
Register at:

The Critical Importance of Measuring SDG Progress on Campuses

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Global experts on the importance of measuring progress on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on campuses across the world will share on their expertise and case studies.

Register at:

SDG-Impact Careers Session 2: Florencio Venté (#10, #8, #16) (11am-12pm CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's SDG Scholars Program helps students to dive deeper into their knowledge of the SDGs, engage with peers from different communities, create original content and action plans, among other aspects. For SDG Action and Awareness week, we are making these sessions open to the public. Featured SDG-Career Guest: Florencio Venté, Co-Director of MGCY Migration / MYCP, a self-organized space empowering children and youth to contribute to and engage in intergovernmental and allied policy processes at the United Nations.
Organizer: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
To Register:

Interdisciplinary round table «THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY POLICIES IN UZHHOROD NATIONAL UNIVERSITY» (presented in Ukranian; 15.00-17.00 Kyiv; in-person event)

In Person Event The event will be conducted in the format of the round table. The vice-rector is opening the event. There will be four speeches. There have been invited students, senior pupils, school teachers, colleagues from faculties. It will be an interactive interdisciplinary round table as seen from the topics. The war context will […]

Los estudiantes nos cuentan: Avances en las investigaciones del semillero CODS (3.30-5.00 CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Students from diverse undergrad programs that take parte of the research HUB of the SDG Center will be sharing their research updates. The topics are Communities in endangered ecosystems, sustainable transportation and transition to sustainable energy in the fashion industry.
Organizer: Universidad de los Andes
Watch live at:

Journey de la Sostenibilidad (17.00-19.00 CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The event is organized by Ruta Azul from Tec de Monterrey, Campus Sonora Norte. During the event, the students will share their experiences, lessons learned on their successful projects in the state of Sonora, which have contributed to raising the awareness towards mitigating environmental issues and strengthening the engagement of the students with their environment.
Organizer: Ruta Azul del Tec de Monterrey
Register at:

Fish Hut – Promoting positive mental health through fishing, one fish at a time

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Fish Hut is a non profit organization focused on promoting positive mental health through fishing, one fish at a time. Fish Hut builds Fish Huts, organizes fishing clinics and hosts virtual fishing contests.
To join:

🌍💧 Water Sustainability Challenges: Tobruk City and Beyond 💧🌍 (10.00-13.00 Libya, EET; Arabic and English)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

We warmly invite students, experts, research centers, universities, NGOs, governmental organizations, and the global community to join us. This platform celebrates successful stories, innovative solutions, and discussions on water sustainability challenges from diverse perspectives.
Organizer: Tobruk University
Register at:

Recycling plastic waste in Africa: challenges and opportunities (3-4.30 pm GMT, presented in English and French)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Plastic waste recycling in Africa: myth or reality? Sharing experiences and current best practices in plastic waste recycling, exploring strategies put in place to combat plastic waste, advanced plastic recycling techniques and technologies.
Co-organized by Babcock University and Senghor University
To Register:

SDG Careers Session 2: Bevon Charles (#2, #8) (9-10 am CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Register at:
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s SDG Scholars Program helps students to dive deeper into their knowledge of the SDGs. Join us to see what our program is like and to hear from a professional working towards one or more of the SDGs in their day-to-day work. Featured SDG-Career Guest: Bevon Charles, CEO/Founder of Akata Farms, agriprenuer-farmer, sustainable development advocate, creative, youth leader, innovator, and techprenuer.
Organizer: the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

SUNY Oswego in Honduras: Helping “Life Below Water”

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join faculty and administrators from the State University of New York at Oswego (USA) to discuss their latest student research project in Roatan, Honduras. The Honduras Marine Wildlife Ecology program is now in its 15th year and a member of the Innovative Instruction Technology Grants (IITG) project awarded to the University at Buffalo (UB) for 2023-24.
Organizer: SUNY Oswego

SDG Week: Upcycled Bag Workshop (in person only, 1-3 p.m. PST)

In person event: Join the Office of Sustainability for this two-hour workshop to learn about the SDGs and make your very own upcycled textile bag!
Organizer: University of California, Davis
Register for in person event:

🌍✨ Empowerment and Action: Celebrate Women’s Day with Us! ✨🌍(10.30-13.00 Libya, EET; Arabic, English translation available))

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join us for an inspiring day of stories, insights, and discussions on how we can collectively work towards a sustainable future through the empowerment and leadership of women.
Organizers: Tobruk University, Municipality of Tobruk, and Tobruk Security Directorate
Register at:

COIL International Conference 2024 (7-8 March 8am-5pm Philipines (PHST))

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

SDG 4 & 17: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Conference 2024
Theme: “May the FORCE (Focus, Ownership, Resilience, Collaboration, and Execution) be with You”


Religious Studies and Climate Justice

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Religious studies students come to understand that religion and climate justice are not just compatible with each other, but that climate justice cannot be achieved without the mobilization and inclusion of religious communities. How do students develop this knowledge into skills for sustainability development?
Organizer: JMU Dining
Link to join: password: sdg

Semaine des ODD | Projection du documentaire Inuk en colère et discussion

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Dans le cadre de la Semaine canadienne des ODD (Objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU) et pour souligner la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, l’INRS offrira à sa communauté la projection du documentaire « Inuk en colère » d’Alethea Arnaquq-Baril, le 7 et 8 mars 2024.
Organizer: Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)

Enhancing Education Quality Through Volunteering Programs

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Focusing on the international volunteer teacher program, the event will explore innovative strategies and solutions through interactive discussions, case presentations, and workshops.
Organizer: UIN Ar-Raniry and the International Teachers Association (ITA)
Link provided shortly.

Friday “Pub” Trivia: SDG Edition

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

In our "pub" quiz, you'll spin our SDG Trivia wheel and play along with our guest hosts to see how well your knowledge of the SDGs stacks up against theirs. We'll introduce you to this free trivia tool that was designed to raise "pub"lic awareness of the SDGs.
Register at:

Engaging in Transdisciplinary Climate Research (11.00-11.50 am PST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Conducting climate change research requires individuals from across disciplines to work together on solutions. But it’s not always simple – researchers are often trained within specific disciplines with techniques, approaches and customs that differ from others working towards similar solutions. So where do we begin?
Organizer: University of British Columbia

Yonsei Global Engagement and Empowerment Forum

GEEF is an annual international event where all stakeholders, including global leaders and experts, convene to collaborate towards accomplishing the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Both virtual and in-person attendance options are available free of charge.

Planning for SDG Week Webinar

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join University Global Coalition to learn about what Sustainable Development Goals Week (March 3-7 2025) is, how to participate, and resources for planning.