All event times listed are Eastern Standard Time zone (EST: New York) unless otherwise noted in the event title and description.  A time zone converter is available here.

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Conferencia ODS en el Tec: “Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a la mitad del camino”

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Tec de Monterrey, through the SDGs Initiative, will host the Conference "The SDGs at the crossroads", where participants will discuss the progress and remaining challenges to achieve the SDGs by 2030. The conference will have keynote speakers and panels dedicated to each dimension of sustainable development.
Organizer: Tec de Monterrey

Advancing careers & the SDGs: how a co-curricular program prepares students to make a difference in their professional paths

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's SDG Scholar Program (housed within their College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources), seeks to both spark curiosity about the goals and help students chart their professional paths to be aligned with them. Learn more about the program (and potentially join us as an SDG expert, if you're interested!) by attending this session about creatively re-combining resources and connections to benefit students, our countries, and the world.
Organizer: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

How to integrate the SDGs in academic programs: lessons from a 3-year bottom-up approach at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and European Alliance EELISA

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Most University students are unaware of the SDGs; a significant percentage of Faculty aren't. There are many ways to overcome these barriers at Universities. This event is meant to discuss two methods that Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has pursued solely and jointly with other European Universities. Both are bottom-up but are guided and stimulated from the top.

Organizer: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and European Alliance EELISA
To register:

Conversations with Cabrera: Climate Change

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Georgia Institute of Technology President Ángel Cabrera convenes a panel of faculty to discuss climate action, emerging technologies, and predictions for how we'll live, work, and socialize in 2050 through a climate change lens as part of Sustainable Development Goals Action and Awareness Week.
Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology
Join Online:

Global Shared Learning Classroom con metodología COIL y desarrollo de competencias éticas y ciudadanas.

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Bajo el proyecto TEC GLOBAL SHARE LEARNING CLASSROOM y la metodología COIL, dos universidades ITESM (México) y URV (España) se unen con alumnos en dos materias integrados en equipos internacionales, que bajo uno de los 17 ODS de la Agenda 2030 cada equipo investiga, mapea y propone soluciones viables, a corto plazo para coadyuvar en algunas de las metas del ODS otorgado y que tenga impacto real  (social/ambiental) con acciones concretas en su territorio (México y España).
Pueden registrarse enviando un correo a:

INSERLAB: A Conversation with our Alumni (Spanish/Catalan)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

On Thursday 9th March, we’ll be talking online about INSERLAB, a higher education program that prepares young people with intellectual disAbility for supported employment.
Pau, Sara, Gerard and Josep will be our thought-provoking guests. As Inserlab students, they will explain you their experiences at Universitat Rovira i Virgili and how this academic journey has changed their lives.
Whether you’re a university manager, a teacher, an employer looking for talent or a young person willing to improve your skills our story will inspire you to act.
Presented in: Spanish/Catalan
Organizer: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

To Join:


Sustainable Food System Solutions Research Fair (in-person, McGill University)

McGill University Thomson House Ballroom

Come learn about innovative student research on improving food security, food as medicine, Indigenous nutrition, and more at the Sustainable Food System Solutions Research Fair on Thursday, March 9 starting at 3 p.m. in the Thomson House Ballroom (3650 McTavish St., Montreal). Enjoy free food, hear from McGill students and a guest speaker, and celebrate the launch of a new food security research network designed to connect students based on the downtown and Macdonald campuses.

“Meet the Maker” of the Beyond the Box: SDGs exhibit, Nebraska alumna Peyton Bishop

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

“Beyond the Box: CASNR Edition” is a collection of resources in an interactive audio exhibit highlighting Nebraska faculty and staff contributions towards the Sustainable Development Goals (currently on display at the Nebraska East Union third floor). The project was created to utilize digital storytelling to support students in various grades as they explore their future. Through focusing on important human values, these collections of stories highlight how individuals have found their way into the sciences and how their chosen career has allowed them to do amazing and impactful work related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Organizer: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
To register:

About the Student Sustainability Summit: Hosting an SDG-focused, multi-institutional student mini-conference (recorded)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

For this webinar, Ms. Heather Korzun, a student at Mary Baldwin University, and Ms. Carol Lena Miller, representing SSV at James Madison University, will describe how the Student Sustainability Summit is organized and implemented, providing practical advice and resources to potentially host a similar event in your own community. The format is an on-demanded recorded interview that will be available beginning March 6.
Organizer: The Sustainable Shenandoah Valley (SSV) Regional Centre of Expertise for Sustainable Development (RCE)

SDGs by Self Reliant World (7:45 – 8:30 p.m. IST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

A Global webinar on the SDGs by Self Reliant World.
Organizer: Unity of Nations Action for Climate Change Council

Journées Scientifiques – Scientific Days (en français)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

'objectif principal de cette journée scientifique est de faire découvrir les travaux effectués dans les différents centres de l’INRS sous forme de présentations vulgarisées et d’aborder les nouvelles thématiques qui occupent la sphère scientifique mondiale.
Presented by the Comité d'organisation des Journées scientifiques de l'INRS, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Québec City, Quebec

Mental Health as an SDG: From Theory into Action

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Student Mental Health Startup Engage You(th) will share their experience creating a grassroots intervention that tackles mental health in their community. This will be followed by an interactive discussion about promoting Mental Health awareness and integrating SDG approaches.
Hosted by student startup ENGAGE You(th)

Hiperion: Immersive Theatre on the SDGs (en español, 19:00 UTC+1)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

In ‘Hiperion: tourism to the past with sensorial streaming’, you will be the main character of an immersive theatre play with a binaural technology. Join us for this artistic experience that uses theatre as a tool to imagine our future, think critically and raise awareness about the SDGs.
en español, 19:00 UTC+1 (Madrid)
Organizer: Universidad Carlos de Madrid III

Global Goals Jam Canada Winter 2023

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The Global Goals Jam Canada Winter 2023 program is organized by the SDG Innovation Lab, Centre of Entrepreneurship, Centennial College with OSPE and Canadian Partners and the support from UNDP and Digital Society School Amsterdam. It is a weekend program to contribute to the Global Goals by collaborating and building solutions to pressing social or business challenges and invoking the participation and engagement of students, entrepreneurs, designers, engineers, creative thinkers, and the public community. The program uses a design process and lean methodology to guide participants ensuring that any potential solutions actually solve the problem at hand.
Organizer: Centennial College and Partners

One Choice – Would you choose to not use any substances before you turn 21? (5:30 p.m. PST start)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join Mentor Foundation USA for an engaging conversation with Robert L. DuPont, MD, first Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and President of the Institute for Behavior and Health, Inc., who has devoted more than five decades to the prevention and treatment of drug addiction. Led by Mentor USA’s Youth Advisory Committee President, Jeremy Dawidowicz and Dr. DuPont will dig into why substance use disorder (addiction) is a disease that starts in adolescence, the negative impacts of early substance use on mental health, education, and relationships, and how American youth are positively changing the conversation from substance use to NON-use.

Unsustainable Habits of Ordinary People

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join Koç University and Moderator Selin Yavuz for a virtual discussion on the unsustainable habits we've incorporated into our daily lives and potential solutions.
Organizer: Koç University
To Join: Meeting ID: 940 2966 9412 Passcode: 2023

The role of medical sciences universities in the UN SDGs (9.00-10.30 GMT)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

How can medical universities play a critical role in fulfilling the SDGs and helping society to achieve the SDGs through leadership, research, teaching and learning? View National Nutrition & Food Technology Research Institute's (NNFTRI) programmes and projects in line with actualizing UN's Sustainable Development Goals
Organizer: Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences passcode: 511248

We Demand FASHION 2024 SDG 12: Bazaar & Small Business Sustainability (4 March 8:00 am – 6 March 17:00, Philippines, PHST)

We Demand FASHION aims to provide students and business owners an avenue to hone their entrepreneurial skills through retailing secondhand apparel in an Ukay-ukay Bazaar. This event is open to serve fellow students, faculty, and staff to introduce and practice sustainable efforts as stakeholders in the ever-growing clothing industry.
Organizer: Internationalization and Linkages (InterLink) Office of San Pedro College
Event information:

Advancing SDGs on Campus Using the 17 Rooms Approach

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

To register: Meeting Registration - Zoom How can you take the world's 17 Sustainable Development Goals into your own hands? Join this session to hear from students and staff as […]

Community Tourism: Is it Sustainable?

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Head to Medellin, Colombia to gain a first-hand insight into how booming “community tourism” can impact residents living in Latin America while discovering how you can visit in more ethical way.
Organizer: Kagumu Adventures
Register at:

Alianzas para el Cambio: Universidades y Estudiantes en la Agenda de Sustentabilidad en América Latina (13.00-14.00 CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The event intends to provide a space where students can discuss with key actors on the role of universities and their students within the implementation of public policies and agreements to achieve sustainability in Latin America.
Organizer: Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe

Conferencia “De la desigualdad de género a la desigualdad climática” (11.00-12.00 CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The objective of this conference is to explore the intersection between gender inequality and climate inequality, highlighting how these affect the addressing of other challenges such as climate change.
Organizer: Tec de Monterrey

SDG-Impact Careers Session 1: Natalie Sehi (#2 & #3) (12-1pm CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's SDG Scholars Program helps students to dive deeper into their knowledge of the SDGs, engage with peers from different communities, create original content and action plans, but critically, helps students expand their professional networks and explore career possibilities. Featured SDG-Career Guest:Natalie Sehi, M.S.
Organizer: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
To register:

Catalysts for Change: Campus Champions for the #GlobalGoals (5-6 p.m. CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Link to join at event start time:   Time: 5-6 p.m. CST Catalysts for Change: Campus Champions for the #GlobalGoals Public Keynote by Celine Kassem: McCastlain Hall 143 (Art […]

UNESCO: An Overview of the Pact for the Future (presented in English and French; 15.00-16.30 CET)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

In this Seminar, UNESCO Chairs will interact with invited experts to discuss the zero draft, and to consider how UNESCO Chairs and research partners might engage with these issues from their diverse intellectual and geographic vantage points.
Organizer: UNESCO
Register at:

The Critical Importance of Measuring SDG Progress on Campuses

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Global experts on the importance of measuring progress on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on campuses across the world will share on their expertise and case studies.

Register at:

SDG-Impact Careers Session 2: Florencio Venté (#10, #8, #16) (11am-12pm CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's SDG Scholars Program helps students to dive deeper into their knowledge of the SDGs, engage with peers from different communities, create original content and action plans, among other aspects. For SDG Action and Awareness week, we are making these sessions open to the public. Featured SDG-Career Guest: Florencio Venté, Co-Director of MGCY Migration / MYCP, a self-organized space empowering children and youth to contribute to and engage in intergovernmental and allied policy processes at the United Nations.
Organizer: The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
To Register:

Los estudiantes nos cuentan: Avances en las investigaciones del semillero CODS (3.30-5.00 CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Students from diverse undergrad programs that take parte of the research HUB of the SDG Center will be sharing their research updates. The topics are Communities in endangered ecosystems, sustainable transportation and transition to sustainable energy in the fashion industry.
Organizer: Universidad de los Andes
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