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Process Innovation Development and Technology Readiness: E- Waste Management (10:30-11:30 am IST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The Innovation Council of Chandigarh Business School of Administration Landran is hosting an event/session on Process Innovation Development and Technology Readiness: E- Waste Management on February 28th, 2022, to commemorate the Sustainable Development Goals Action and Awareness Week 2022. (28th Feb. to 4th March). JOIN:

Organizer: Chandigarh Business School of Administration Landran

10:30-11:30 am IST


Integrating Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability into Existing Learning Experiences to Maximize Resources and Reach a Broader Audience

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

At James Madison University’s Institute for Stewardship of the Natural World, student engagement programs are designed to meet students where they are and demonstrate how environmental stewardship and sustainability can be connected to any academic discipline. Moving away from planning separate environmentally-focused programs and events and instead pursuing collaborative projects allows us to integrate environmental stewardship into other campus activities and reach a broader audience. In this online presentation, you will hear about how a new approach to an established partnership opened the door to introducing the Sustainable Development Goals to hundreds of students each semester in a way that is relevant, relatable, and replicable, and better reflects our learning outcome of “how environmental stewardship is and can be integrated into our lives.” Link to join + passcode in full event description.

Organizer: James Madison University


Los ODS en las Ecoescuelas/Working with SDGs from EcoSchools (IN SPANISH; 13:30-14:30 CET)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Ponencia sobre como se trabaja en las Ecoescuelas de Leganés. Descripción de su metodología y actividades diseñadas para trabajar el agua en el sentido más amplio.

This session will present the methodology used in the city of Leganés for EcoSchools, in order to work with children on environmental contents. This year, the EcoSchools project is focused on taking care of water resources. Acces: 07:30-08:30 am EST (13:30-14:30 UTC+1)

Organizer: Leganés City Town Hall and UC3M

13:30-14:30 CET


New ways of thinking about reducing consumption: Innovations from the Shenandoah Valley

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

In conjunction with Sarah Stalcup-Jones from VA Clean Cities, James Madison University Assistant Professor Jared Stoltzfus, the JMU Environmental Management Club, representatives from Sustainable Shenandoah Valley, and JMU’s Community Service-Learning office are hosting a panel discussion addressing SDGs 12 and 13 (responsible production/consumption and climate action). To register:

Organizer: James Madison University


Envisioning a World Beyond Plastics

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Dr. Erin Bell from UAlbany's School of Public Health will interview Judith Enck, former EPA Regional Administrator, highlighting her work in environmental advocacy. Register to attend this event virtually at

Organizer: University at Albany


1Planet4All- taller de sensibilización sobre el cambio climático para jóvenes/ Workshop 1Planet4All: Raising awareness in young activists (IN SPANISH; 11 am-12:30 pm CET)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Se trata de un taller de alrededor de 1'5 hora de duración dirigido a jóvenes a partir de 18 años. Su finalidad es informar, sensibilizar y dotar a sus participantes de capacidad de respuesta frente a la actual crisis socio-ambiental generada por el cambio climático.

There is no doubt on climate change evidence. It is clear that there is a climate emergency that put millions of people in a risky situation, and the most vulnerable population suffers the most. In order to raise awareness on this topic, Ayuda en Acción presents 1Planet4All, a project aimed to encourage youth action as citizens against the climate change. We propose this 1'5h workshop addressed to young people between 18 and 35 years old for discuss, inform, raise awareness, and provide the participants some answers on current climate and social challenges.

Organizer: Campaña Mundial por la Educación and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

11am-12:30 CET


SDG7: Clean and Affordable Energy: The Future of Renewable Energy and Trends from the Field

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Dr. Pamela Martin with lead Solar Ambassador Hannah Bennet with introduce a unique solar seed fund for nonprofits in the United States and discuss SDG 7: Clean and Affordable Energy in the context of solar energy. Then, Dr. Dominique deWit, Director of Business Development for GridX will discuss the renewable energy market, trends, and challenges, as well as career paths in the field. This conversation will connect the global and local renewable energy trajectories, and provide valuable career and private industry insights from a Coastal Carolina University alumna who is now at a cutting edge energy firm.
To Join:

Organizer: Coastal Carolina University


Student Roundtable: Economic and Socio-Cultural Effects of Wildfires

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Let the students talk! In this roundtable, students are going to discuss about their ideas and share their knowledge on the related topic. The senior student moderator of the roundtable will be introducing interesting questions for you. At the of the student roundtable, an expert will join to the session for a short presentation on the topic. To JOIN: Passcode:2022

Organizer: Koç University


How to Avoid Greenwashing: Towards a Rigorous Life Cycle Assessment (7-8 pm AST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

You are invited to the second event of the Spring 2022 Sustainability Seminar Series, on Tuesday, March 1st, 2022, at 7:00 pm AST ., entitled “How to Avoid Greenwashing: Towards a Rigorous Life Cycle Assessment” by Professor Heather MacLean, the Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Systems and Technology Assessment, University of Toronto.
Register at

Organizer: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)

March 1, 7-8 pm AST


Students Leading for Climate Action and Justice (4-5 pm PT)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

As part of the 2022 UN SDGs Action and Awareness Week, UC Davis is hosting a student-run virtual symposium to bring attention to the many ways that UC Davis students are leading efforts to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and in particular, how students are leading efforts to address SDG 13: Climate Action and climate justice.

Organizer: UC Davis


International Considerations in Responsible Waste Management

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Billions of tons of solid waste are generated every year globally, estimated at 60M tons of electronic waste, 730M tons of medical waste, 1B tons of hazardous waste, and 2B tons of municipal solid waste (World Bank Group 2018). For this talk, Professor Beril Toktay will discuss strategies for managing two types of solid waste–both that which is fit for value-added recovery as well as that which is unwanted and potentially detrimental to public health and the environment. Registration requested.

Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology


Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Intersection of Climate and Migration (11:00-12:00 am CST)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is partnering with the Department of Modern Languages and the School of Global Integrative Studies to host an interdisciplinary panel exploring the many complexities at the intersection of climate change and migration. All are welcome to join this virtual panel discussion. REGISTER:

Organizer: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

11:00-12:00 am CST


Student Roundtable: Breathing and Drinking Microplastics

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Let the students talk! In this roundtable, students are going to discuss about their ideas and share their knowledge on the related topic. The senior student moderator of the roundtable will be introducing interesting questions for you. At all the of the student roundtables, an expert will join to the session for a short presentation on the topic. To join: passcode: 2022

Organizer: Koç University

Strengthening Resilience and Collaboration for Wetlands (4-5 pm Indian Standard Time)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

A webinar on "Strengthening Resilience and Collaboration for Wetlands" for participants from Higher Education Institutions. Wetlands such as estuaries, mangroves, marshes, and swamps play, beyond their biological role, a key part in helping people cope with disasters. Yet wetlands are in danger; threatened with drainage for agriculture, degradation, pollution, and destruction at an alarming pace. Collaboration among Business, Government, and NGOs and Higher Institution is essential.

Organizer: University of Madras
4-5 pm Indian Standard Time
