YUFE in our Cities (2022)

Community engagement is at the core of the European University YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe), in which UC3M participates. The cities in which the ten YUFE partners and associate partners are located exemplify different urban models and provide a unique opportunity to work together to develop solutions to local challenges, in a true partnership to localize the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Students and staff are encouraged to participate in volunteering activities or HelDesks developed in close partnership with local governments or NGOs that address issues such as migrations, entrepreneurship or the effects of COVID in secondary school students. You are invited to participate in this session in which some of our volunteers will share their experiences with YUFE in the Cities.

Silvia Gallart – UC3M, coordinator of YUFE in the cities
Riika Pellinen – University of Eastern Finland, coordinator of YUFE in the cities
Bojana Culum, Rijeka Unversity (Croacia), member of Yufe in the cities
Adhik Kandeli Naidu – YUFE student and member of the Students Board

Organizer: YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid