
SDG Action & Awareness Week Recordings

Below are a few of the session recordings from SDG Action & Awareness Week 2023, 2022, and 2021 events. Learn more about SDG Week here.

The power of partnership: SDG 17 and university partnerships to achieve the goals (2022)
The event features a local partnership the University of Manchester’s pioneering BeeWell project; a national partnership from our UK Productivity Institute; and a global partnership discussing our work with the Association of Commonwealth Universities. We use these to prompt conversation about how university partnerships help our sector to tackle global development challenges. Organizer: The University of Manchester
Campaña Mundial por la Educación: llamada a la acción por el ODS 4 / Global Campaign on Education: Call for action for de SDG4 (In Spanish) (2022)
En esta sesión, desde la Campaña Mundial por la Educación (CME) en España, haremos una revisión del estatus actual del ODS4 (por el Derecho a la Educación), y veremos los impactos y retos que ha supuesto la pandemia, utilizando dinámicas interactivas. Organizer: Campaña Mundial por la Educación and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
CMU-Africa Guest Lecture by Dr. Fode Ndiaye, UN Resident Coordinator (2022)
View a special guest lecture by Dr. Fodé Ndiaye, UN Resident Coordinator in Rwanda. Dr Fode Ndiaye has 40 years of experience in leadership and management in the field of development and finance. Organizer: Carnegie Mellon University-Africa
Global Perspectives on Strong Institutions Roundtable (SDG Week 2022)
What makes a strong institution? Join us virtually to discover diverse perspectives from global experts and hear their take on Sustainable Development Goal #16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Organizer: Geneva Business School
Connecting the Dots Towards Sustainable Food Systems (SDG Week 2022)
This presentation is conceived to provide a holistic understanding of one of the most pressing global issues in our lifetime, ensuring sustainable food systems for all by working towards the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Organizer: McGill University
Engaging with the SDGs to Advance Sustainability in Atlanta (SDG Week 2022)
Join us to hear panelists discuss how engagement with the SDGs enables Georgia Tech and its partners to advance sustainability in Atlanta and beyond. Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology
Accelerating Climate Action: Tec's Commitments within the Race to Zero Initiative (SDG Week 2022)
This event shares with Tec de Monterrey’s alumni and attendees the role of the Institution as part of the Race to Zero Initiative to catalyze climate action in Mexico. Organizer: Tecnológico de Monterrey
A Healthy Georgia: Exploring the Impact of the Energy Transition on Public Health (SDG Week 2022)
We have a responsibility to ensure that the benefits of clean energy are experienced equally, and also do not lead to unintended adverse health outcomes. Hear from experts on sustainable building technologies, air quality, and the economics of clean energy and health discuss the challenges and opportunities before us as the energy landscape undergoes monumental shifts. Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology
How to Avoid Greenwashing: Towards a Rigorous Lifecycle Assessment (SDG Week 2022)
View the presentation “How to Avoid Greenwashing: Towards a Rigorous Life Cycle Assessment” by Professor Heather MacLean, the Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Systems and Technology Assessment, University of Toronto. Organizer: King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Addressing the Sustainable Development Goal of quality education through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) between Mexico and the U.S. (SDG Week 2022)
This presentation will explore two faculty members’ journey of collaboration between Mexico and the United States, and share the process of developing and delivering COIL courses using innovative pedagogy, high impact practice, and technology to facilitate the students’ learning experience and address the Sustainable Development Goal # 4 of quality education.
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Annual Gathering Session Recordings

View videos from UGC’s Annual Gatherings.

Reinforcing the SDGs through Open Innovation
The University Global Coalition Working Group on Open Innovation for …
SDG Reporting: A Voluntary University Review Workshop
To think comprehensively and strategically about how to engage the …
Powering Purpose-led University-Urban Partnerships for the Goals
How can universities exploit their convening power, knowledge …
Farming around the World: Globally Empowering Student Farms
Students farms have immense potential for catalyzing a supportive and …
Glocal (globally local) Exchange: A Learning Community in Response to Pandemic Food Insecurity
Collaborative online international learning (COIL) is an inherently …
Strengthening the Local Value Chain of Research to Boost Development and Overcome Global Underrepresentation
This session will highlight a new research initiative, the Feed the …
Coordinating Holistic Social Impact Education
Koç University Social Impact Forum (KUSIF) was established in 2012 as …
Interdisciplinary Learning and Research: UN SDGs Across an Equitable and Inclusive Curriculum
Integrating the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) into an …
Creating a Global Learning Community Through Digital Storytelling
Teaching and learning the art of digital storytelling creates a global …
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SDG Action & Awareness Week Recordings

Below are a few of the session recordings from SDG Action & Awareness Week 2023, 2022, and 2021 events. Learn more about SDG Week here.

Annual Gathering Session Recordings

View videos from UGC’s Annual Gatherings.