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Queen’s University SDG Week Speaker Series: Day 1, SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Day 1 of the SDG Speaker series: The SDG Speaker Series will feature local experts presenting their current initiatives and explore how they are making an impact. Featuring representatives from the City of Kingston, Queen's University and an array of local not for profits, the SDG Speaker Series hopes to formulate connections and inspire action. The event will be totally on Zoom, please register ahead of time to ensure you have access to the link.

Organizer: Queen's University


Mapping the Gap: Visualizing Food Resource Needs to Address Community Food Insecurity

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This presentation from UN RCE Georgetown at Coastal Carolina University will provide an overview of the team's recent work examining food insecurity and addressing SDG 2 - Zero Hunger. The team will detail the methods undertaken to understand the community's food insecurity challenges and explain how a thorough community-based data collection initiative led to the development of a food resource dashboard. The presenters will demonstrate the dashboard's functionality and answer audience questions regarding how to undertake a similar process in their own communities. To Join:

Organizer: Coastal Carolina University


Queen’s University SDG Week Speaker Series: Day 2, SDG1: No Poverty

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Day 2 of the SDG Speaker series: The SDG Speaker Series will feature local experts presenting their current initiatives and explore how they are making an impact. Featuring representatives from the City of Kingston, Queen's University and an array of local not for profits, the SDG Speaker Series hopes to formulate connections and inspire action. The event will be totally on Zoom, please register ahead of time to ensure you have access to the link.

Organizer: Queen's University


How UN Country Teams are developing good practice in maximising the use of human rights to support governments’ efforts to achieve the SDGs (12:30-13:30 UTC)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

As part of the Strathclyde Centre for Sustainable Development International Series, we will hear from Professor Alan Miller. Professor Miller has led a UN project to capture emerging good practice and provide guidance to UN Country Teams on how to maximise the use of human rights to support governments’ efforts to achieve the SDGs. He will preview the report which the UN is about to publish. Register through eventbrite through the link in full event description.

Organizer: University of Strathclyde

12.30-13.30 UTC


Addressing the Sustainable Development Goal of quality education through Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) between Mexico and the U.S.

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This presentation will explore two faculty members’ journey of collaboration between Mexico and the United States, and share the process of developing and delivering COIL courses using innovative pedagogy, high impact practice, and technology to facilitate the students’ learning experience and address the Sustainable Development Goal # 4 of quality education. Student voices will be highlighted in content, aligning to the student learning outcomes and professional organization’s standards. Click to see information on joining this event.

Organizers: State University of New York Brockport and Universidad del Caribe


Don’t leave anyone behind: Results of the general research on xenophobia in university context and possible responses to reverse it (IN SPANISH; 15:00-16:00 CET)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

During this session we'll present the results of a research carried in 10 Spanish universities on xenophobic attitudes in the higher education institutions. This research takes part of a broader project promoted by UNHCR Spanish Committee on global citizenship education called ""Don't leave anyone behind: university moves for the refugees and the SDGs." (IN SPANISH); 9-10 am EST (15-16 UTC+1)

Organizer: UNHCR Spanish Committee on global citizenship education and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

15-16 UTC+1


Connecting the Dots Towards Sustainable Food Systems

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This presentation is conceived to provide a holistic understanding of one of the most pressing global issues in our lifetime, ensuring sustainable food systems for all by working towards the Sustainable Development Goals 2030. This is done through an in-depth examination of the current challenges facing food security and the implementation of sustainable food technologies/innovations that meet the requirements of the producer, the retailer, and the consumer while improving resource-use efficiency along agri-food value chains.

Organizer: McGill University


A Healthy Georgia: Exploring the Impact of the Energy Transition on Public Health

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

As climate change worsens, the importance of adopting clean energy solutions is imperative. However, we have a responsibility to ensure that the benefits of clean energy are experienced equally, and also do not lead to unintended adverse health outcomes. Hear from experts on sustainable building technologies, air quality, and the economics of clean energy and health discuss the challenges and opportunities before us as the energy landscape undergoes monumental shifts. Register at

Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology


Student Roundtable: How Socio-Cultural Norms Shape Gender Inequality around the World

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Let the students talk! In this roundtable, students are going to discuss about their ideas and share their knowledge on the related topic. The senior student moderator of the roundtable will be introducing interesting questions for you. At the student roundtable, an expert will join to the session for a short presentation on the topic.

Organizer: Koç University


Queen’s University SDG Week Speaker Series: Day 3, SDG13: Climate Action

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Day 3 of the SDG Speaker series: The SDG Speaker Series will feature local experts presenting their current initiatives and explore how they are making an impact. Featuring representatives from the City of Kingston, Queen's University and an array of local not for profits, the SDG Speaker Series hopes to formulate connections and inspire action. The event will be totally on Zoom, please register ahead of time to ensure you have access to the link.

Organizer: Queen's University


Campaña Mundial por la Educación: llamada a la acción por el ODS 4 / Global Campaign on Education: Call for action for de SDG4 (IN SPANISH; 11:00 AM -12:15 PM CET)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

En esta sesión, desde la Campaña Mundial por la Educación (CME) en España, haremos una revisión del estatus actual del ODS4 (por el Derecho a la Educación), y veremos los impactos y retos que ha supuesto la pandemia, utilizando dinámicas interactivas. 4-03-2022 11:00 AM -12:15 PM Madrid (CET) (Passcode: 220130)

Organizer: Campaña Mundial por la Educación and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

4-03-2022 11:00 AM -12:15 PM Madrid (CET)


Global Perspectives on Strong Institutions Roundtable

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join us virtually on March 4th from 1:30 - 2:30 PM (CET) to discover diverse perspectives from global experts and hear their take on Sustainable Development Goal #16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. To join:

Organizer: Geneva Business School

March 4th from 1:30 - 2:30 PM (CET)


SDGs and PEOPLES in a Region: Strategic OUTSTEPS for Students into a Career of Matching Interests and Expertise

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The speaker will share strategies for students to analyze and prepare themselves for careers in a field that bridges industry, administration, and government. To successfully link, integrate and develop future collaborations linking PEOPLES’ interests and expertise requires one to step out of conventional procedures. The speaker led the development of the network in creating a regional network of expertise and knowledge to work on sustainability and community resilience and will describe how students can create their future careers in this field of work.

Organizer: University at Buffalo


Break the Bias: An All Inclusive Womens’ Conference

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The event includes a panel of experts addressing the power of mentorship and coaching and breaking biases to foster inclusivity. Participants will be provided a free Gallup Strengths Finder Assessment Code with coaches reviewing your strengths at the conference. Attendance in person or virtually. Register by scanning the QR code on the flier.

Organizer: University at Albany


Legathon (en español; 10:00 a.m. – 18:30 p.m. CET)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Are you interested in making a positive difference for people with disabilities? If you are between 16 and 20 years old and would like to present your innovative ideas on how to make a real improvement to the lives of the citizens of Leganes with some degree of disability, join the Legathon!
Organizer: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Presented in Spanish
To Register:


Saving UAE’s Native Plants: How we Built the Flora Database (2-3 p.m. Gulf Standard Time)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The purpose of the webinar is to explain the efforts of young Emirati plant specialists in the generation of UAE Flora: The Native Plants Database of Emirates; a fully referenced, extensively validated, evolving, web-based, virtual database that has been designed and developed to introduce native plants form the biodiversity of UAE to the Global scientific communities, with the help and support of UAE plants’ expert from all the emirates. This database will be accessible to experts, researchers, and the public to support the UAE Flora conservation and reintroduction efforts.
Organizer: Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus

Students Taking on Hunger: Ideas from Around the World on Addressing Food Insecurity and Inadequate Nutrition

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Please join us on Monday, March 6, 1-2 pm PST, as UC Davis SDG Interns interview student speakers from around the world about encouraging local agricultural production, reducing food waste, and engaging communities to facilitate food distribution.
Organizer: UC Davis
To register:

Community Tourism: Is it Really Sustainable?

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Few communities have witnessed such a dramatic change in recent years like Medellin's Comuna 13. Once declared one of the most dangerous neighborhoods on earth, this area is now a tourism hot spot with visitors attracted to its world-class street art, live hip hop, Afro-Caribbean dance shows, and innovative outside escalators. But is visiting Comuna 13 really sustainable?
Organizer: Kagumu Adventures
Presented in English; Spanish available

Maternal Mortality: Beyond an Indicator

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This discussion-based event, hosted by the International Observatory in Public Health will present the connection of Maternal Mortality to the SDGs and the importance of meeting the targets
Organizer: Fundación Universitaria Juan N. Corpas and partners

2023 Great Lakes Conference: Managing Fisheries and Exploring Islands

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The 33rd Annual Great Lakes conference will feature two themes with three presentations per theme as well as a panel discussion with Q/A from participants. The themes are Fisheries Management in the Great Lakes and Great Lakes Islands. The day will also feature a presentation on PFAS in Great Lakes Fish. The conference is sponsored by Michigan State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Institute of Water Research, Michigan Sea Grant Extension, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, and MSU Extension. Support is provided by US Geological Survey Water Resources Research Program. The conference is free to attend.

The Creative Cafe: International Women’s Day 2023 (15:00-17:00 GMT)

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Using arts as a tool for education and social change, we invite everyone to join us in an afternoon of sewing, painting, sign-making and reflection about the struggles of women, girls and the vulnerable sectors in achieving equitable education. As we anchor this event to International Women's Day 2023, campaigning for women and girls and LGBTQIA+ education (SDG 4) and equality (SDG 5) can help us build sustainable and equitable societies and communities.
Organizer: The Creative Cafe @ University of Strathclyde

Teaching the SDGs: Innovations in teaching about the Sustainable Development Goals

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

This panel will explore innovation in the context of teaching the SDGs, approaches to teaching using innovative strategies to help improve learning outcomes in universities and colleges across Canada.
Hosted by SDSN Canada and the Sustainability Hub at University of British Columbia

Inner Development Goals

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

What Inner Shifts or human growth needs to happen in order for us to reach the SDGs collectively? Learn about the IDGs framework, which maps which cognitive and emotional abilities, qualities or skills we need to foster among individuals, groups, and organizations that play crucial roles in working to fulfill the SDGs.
Organizer: Brazilian Experience
Register here:


International Women’s Day – Reproductive Health in the U.S.

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Join UNA-MHV and SUNY NP Dept. of Women’s Gender and Sexualities to discuss the Human Rights Implications of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Our guest speaker Katherine Mayall will be here to share how this decision will impact the access to fill reproductive health in the U.S.
Organizer: SUNY New Paltz

Educating for Tomorrow’s Unknowns: Sustainability Front and Centre

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

How can we understand global issues? How can we learn to live happily, sustainably, and ethically without the feeling of only cutting back? What does this exactly mean for educators, parents, and students? Join us for a public lecture on 7 March 2023 at 7 pm (EST) on the potential of educating for a sustainable future for young people to become global citizens in this complicated world.

Organizer: York University

Conferencia ODS en el Tec: “Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a la mitad del camino”

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Tec de Monterrey, through the SDGs Initiative, will host the Conference "The SDGs at the crossroads", where participants will discuss the progress and remaining challenges to achieve the SDGs by 2030. The conference will have keynote speakers and panels dedicated to each dimension of sustainable development.
Organizer: Tec de Monterrey

Advancing careers & the SDGs: how a co-curricular program prepares students to make a difference in their professional paths

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's SDG Scholar Program (housed within their College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources), seeks to both spark curiosity about the goals and help students chart their professional paths to be aligned with them. Learn more about the program (and potentially join us as an SDG expert, if you're interested!) by attending this session about creatively re-combining resources and connections to benefit students, our countries, and the world.
Organizer: University of Nebraska-Lincoln

How to integrate the SDGs in academic programs: lessons from a 3-year bottom-up approach at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and European Alliance EELISA

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Most University students are unaware of the SDGs; a significant percentage of Faculty aren't. There are many ways to overcome these barriers at Universities. This event is meant to discuss two methods that Universidad Politécnica de Madrid has pursued solely and jointly with other European Universities. Both are bottom-up but are guided and stimulated from the top.

Organizer: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and European Alliance EELISA
To register:

Conversations with Cabrera: Climate Change

Virtual Eastern Standard Time Zone, GA

Georgia Institute of Technology President Ángel Cabrera convenes a panel of faculty to discuss climate action, emerging technologies, and predictions for how we'll live, work, and socialize in 2050 through a climate change lens as part of Sustainable Development Goals Action and Awareness Week.
Organizer: Georgia Institute of Technology
Join Online: